Liberty, Prudence, Imperfection, and Law

Posts tagged ‘leviathan-iii’

Leviathan: III.XLIII

III.XLIII What are the core tenets of Christianity, the sine qua non that one must hold in order to be identified as a “Christian”? Revolutions in Christian…

Leviathan: III.XLII.49–65

III.XLII.49–65 The pre-Constantine establishment church was, according to Hobbes, pretty unestablished. In his view there were two broad categories of offices in this early church: “magisterial”…

Leviathan: III.XLII.1-19

III.XLII.1–19 Just what should the sovereignty of Christ look like in this world? That is a question that ultimately deals with church polity—or the “Power Ecclesiastical.”…

Leviathan: III.XL

III.XL Thinking about the structure of the relationship between the sovereign and the Kingdom of God requires that Christians approach from two complementary perspectives: one based…

Leviathan: III.XXXIX

III.XXXIX After much introductory material, we finally get to a surprisingly brief beginning of a definition of the church. And as with so much of the Leviathan…